Our online access with our Personalized Customer Service gets you from data entry to payroll reporting in no time!
Our formats are intuitive allowing you to create payroll data entry methods to your operating standards.
Our single database configuration will give you a full view of your staff from Payroll through Human Resources.
You have more to do during your busy day than read up on payroll taxes, tax reporting, compliance and regulatory issues. At Accu Data Payroll, that’s our business – so it doesn’t have to be yours. We’ll customize our payroll services to meet your company’s needs. You’ll get – and pay for – only what works for you. And that’s just one way Accu Data puts you first. Our professionals provide a level of service so attentive and responsive, it will feel like we’re your own personal payroll department, right down the hall. Accu Data has so much to offer your business. Click on the benefits that interest you to find out more.
Real Time Payroll Reporting
Submit your payroll and before you know it find all of your standard payroll reports at your fingertips!
From Cash Requirements to Payroll & Check Registers and of course Tax Liability reports all ready to go. Your choice, print them or file them electronically right from your desktop.
Need a custom or more personalized report? Use our report writer. We can incorporate other Human Capital Management components and roll them into one report. The result will provide you with a very robust view of your staff.
Check/Direct Deposit
Total Data Security
W-2 Processing
Our service is more than just producing paper forms. Our W-2 processing begins every November when we produce W-2 sensitive information and ask our clients to verify it for correctness. The most sensitive components are social security numbers and pre and post tax deductions.
The personalized nature of our service is truly evidenced when we give our clients a chance to schedule production of W-2 printing. By so doing, there is coordination of pieces of the W-2 that are provided by third parties; most commonly, the reporting of individuals receiving sick pay.
1099 Reporting
This aptly demonstrates our consultative nature and provides insight and education to our clients thus preventing them from making serious errors.
Schedule a Demo today.
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